Thursday 15 March 2012


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born 22 May 1859.He was born in Edinburgh,Scotland.his parents were Charles Altamont Doyle,an Englishman and Mary Foley,an Irish woman.His mother had a passion  for books and was a master storyteller.His mother had a beneficial influence on him.When he was 9,he was sent to study at the Roman Catholic Jesuit Preparatory School in Stonyhurst,London.He continued his studies at Stonyhurst College till 1875.In school,his happy moments were writting to his mother,practising sports and he had a talent for storytelling.He graduated in 1876 as a normal young man with an innate sense of humour and sportsmanship.He studies at the University of Edinburgh with Dr Joseph Bell.He likes to guess the details about his patients.In 1882,Conan Doyle become doctor in England.He doesn't have a lot patients.He filled his free time to writes stories.He likes writting detective stories.He create the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson.He write 68 stories about Sherlock Holmes.Everyone in the world recognize him until Queen Victoria and her husband,Prince Albert like his stories.She makes him knight in 1902 and he become Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.He dies in Crowborough,Sussex,England on 7 July 1930.


The Boscombe Valley Mystery tells how Sherlock Holmes solved a murder case in Boscombe Valley.
      In 1888,Sherlock Holmes invited Dr John Watson to go with him to the town of Ross-on-Wye to solve the mystery of the murder of Charles McCarthy.The police led by Scotland Yard investigating officer,Inspector Lestrade had conclude it was a murder and the suspect was the victim's son.James McCarthy was accused of having killed his own father,Charles McCarthy.
      The first witness,the gamekeeper (Moran) saw the father,Charles and then James,the son on the path to Boscombe Pool.The second witness,Moran's 14-years-old daughter,Patience saw James arguing with his father.Both Inspector Lestrade and Dr Watson concluded it was an open-and-shut case of murder.However,Holmes disagreed with both of them.holmes opined that there were some facts that simply did not match.Holmes posed the following.
      Who was McCarthy meeting at the pool?
      According to his serving-man he was to meet someone at the pool,an appointment from which he never
      came back alive.
      How could the meeting be with James?
          James was in Bristol
      Why did McCarthy use the call "Cooee!"?
          The call "Cooee" was the usual call between father and son.
      Why did McCarthy get angry with James?
      Why won't James reveal the exact conversation he had with his father at the pool?
      The details of the conversation would have saved james from being convicted.
      How did a piece of clothing a few yards from James disappear?
      What did McCarthy's last words "raat" mean?
      Who would have wanted McCarthy dead,if not James and why?
      Was Miss Turner,who wanted to marry James,involved in this case?
      In addition,Miss Alice Turner,the daughter of John Turner on whose estate the McCarthy lived,believed that James McCarthy was innocent of the crime.She sent a telegram to Holmes asking him to investigate the case.
      Holmes used his usual deductive powers and keen observation skills to find the answers to his own doubts.He checked out the background of John McCarthy and Turner.He also visited the scene of the crime,Boscombe Pool for clues.He was able to prove Inspector Lestrade wrong.
      James McCarthy was in jail by then.Sherlock Holmes had arranged for the prosecution case against James to fail if it seemed that the court would send him to the hangman.He got the real killer to confess.The confession letter was only to be used should the court find James guilty,which it did not.James was innocent of the crime and discharged,the real killer died of natural causes.


Exposition      :-Sherlock Holmes invited Dr John Watson to accompany him to Ross-on-Wye to help                    
                       solve a murder mystery.
                      -Charles McCarthy had been murdered.His son,James was the accused.
                      -The McCarthy lived on John Turner estate.
                      -Turner had a daughter,Alice.
                      -The gamekeeper,Moran and his daughter,Patience were the witnesses.
Rising Action :- Moran and a Inspector Lestrade found the gun of James McCarthy at the scene of the
                        murder scene,Boscombe Pool.
                       -James was arrested.Alice Turner was sure James was innocent.She invited Holmes to
                         investigate the case.
                       -James admitted he went to Boscombe Pool to shoot rabbits.
                       -He met his father.They had an argument.He left his father.A short distance away,he heared                          
                        a cry from his father.
                       -He ran back and found his father lying on the ground.
                       -His father died and he was arrested.
Climax            :-Alice Turner explained that Charles McCarthy wanted James to marry her.
                       -John Turner became ill after the murder of Charles McCarthy.
                       -Holmes had some ideas about the identity of the murderer.Holmes discussed his ideas with
                       -Holmes and Watson together with Inspector Lestrade looked footprints.Holmes found a
                        stone which he believed was the murder weapon.
                       -Holmes described the murderer as a tall man,left-handed and walked with a limp.
                       -The suspect wore heavy boots and a grey coat and smoked Indian cigars.
                       -Holmes left it to Lestrade to find the murderer.
Falling Action :-Holmes explained to Watson the clues that led him to determine the identity of the murderer.
                       -Charles knew the murderer.
                       -The last word said by Charles was "R-A-A-T" which referred to "Ballarat" in Australia.
                       -The footsteps in the mud indicated the person's height,the boots he wore and he limped.
                       -The fact that he hit the victim on the left showed he was left-handed.
                       -The ash on the ground was from an expensive Indian cigar.
Resolution      :-Mr Turner came to Holmes' house on Holmes' invitasion.He confessed that he was the
                        murderer.He wrote a confession letter which Holmes would keep to use until after Turner's
                        death and should James be found guilty.Holmes would desroy the letter if James were found
                       -Mr Turner related how he met Charles McCarthy in Australia.They were enemies,not
                        friends.John Turner was known as Black Jack of Ballarat.John Turner robbed a gold
                        convoy in Ballarat,near Melbourne,Australia.Charles McCarthy was the stagecoach driver
                        and witnessed the robbery.
                       -Turner became a rich man,returned to England and became a respectable rish landowner
                       -In the 1880's,in London,Charles McCarthy ran into John Turner and recognised him.Since
                         then,Charles blackmailed Turner into providing him a farm on his estate followed by
                         frequent demands for money,now and then.
                       -When Turner overheard Charles ordering his son,James to marry Alice,his daughter,Turner
                         had no choice but to kill Charles at Boscombe Pool.
                       -Turner's secret was safe with Holmes and Watson.
                       -John Turner died.Turner's story and secret died with him.
                       -James and Alice were married.James had divorced his barmaid wife (of 2 years) from
                        Bristol,she wanting a divorce after reading of his "crime".
                       -Holmes destroyed the cofession letter of Turner.


1)Dr Watson's home
2)Paddington Station
3)John Turner's estate
7)Holmes' house
8)Regent Street
9)The Outback


1)Law and order.
2)Being adventures.
3)Seeking the truth.
4)Keeping a secret.


                                                                     Main Characters

Sherlock Holmes
-He was a famous detective.
-He did not jump to conclusions.
-He was intelligent and good detective.
-He was accurate in finding and explaining evidence.

Dr. John Watson
-Holmes friend.
-He help solve tthe cases
-He was a medical doctor in London.

John Turner
-He was a rich man.
-He was not sociable. 
-He liked stay at home.
-He is Black Jack of Ballarat.
-He killed Charles McCarthy.

Charles McCarthy
-He is killed by John Turner.
-He was greedy and demanding.
-He liked horse-racing and gambled a lot.
-He liked hunting game in Boscombe Valley.

James McCarthy
-He was 18 years old.
-He was the prime suspect.
-He was the murdered victim's son.
-He had married to a bermaid secretly in Bristol.

Minor Characters

Inspector Lestrade
-He was a detective attached to Scotland Yard.
-He was the first investigating offiser in the case of Charles McCarthy.
-He concluded that James McCarthy killing his own father.

Alice Turner
-She was 18 years old
-She was John Turner's daughter.
-She was a good daughter. 
-She was in love with James McCarthy.
-She believed that James McCarthy was innocent of the crime.

-He was the gamekeeper on John Turner's estate.
-He had a daughter,14-years-old Patience Moran.
-He was one of two witnesses to the crime and he also found James' gun.

Patience Moran
-She was 14 years old.
-She was one of the two witnesses.
-She saw Charles and James having argument at the pool.

Mrs Moran
-She was Moran's wife.
-She was Patience's mother.
-She saw blood on James' arm.

The Judge
-He was the presiding judge in the courtroom in Ross-on-Wye.
-He sentenced James to prison,based on Inspector Lestrade's investigation.

Mrs Watson
-She was Dr Watson's wife.
-She encouraged her husband to accompany and assist Holmes in his cases.

Moral Values

1)We must not judge a person or situation based on appearances.
2)It is unhealthy to have prejudices about people.
3)We should repay kindness and loyalty.
4)We should show compassion.
5)We should keep secret.
6)We should let bygones be bygones.
7)We should not dig into another person's past unnecessarily
8)We should not form or make hasty decisions and conclusions.
9)We must not be greedy.