Thursday 15 March 2012


Exposition      :-Sherlock Holmes invited Dr John Watson to accompany him to Ross-on-Wye to help                    
                       solve a murder mystery.
                      -Charles McCarthy had been murdered.His son,James was the accused.
                      -The McCarthy lived on John Turner estate.
                      -Turner had a daughter,Alice.
                      -The gamekeeper,Moran and his daughter,Patience were the witnesses.
Rising Action :- Moran and a Inspector Lestrade found the gun of James McCarthy at the scene of the
                        murder scene,Boscombe Pool.
                       -James was arrested.Alice Turner was sure James was innocent.She invited Holmes to
                         investigate the case.
                       -James admitted he went to Boscombe Pool to shoot rabbits.
                       -He met his father.They had an argument.He left his father.A short distance away,he heared                          
                        a cry from his father.
                       -He ran back and found his father lying on the ground.
                       -His father died and he was arrested.
Climax            :-Alice Turner explained that Charles McCarthy wanted James to marry her.
                       -John Turner became ill after the murder of Charles McCarthy.
                       -Holmes had some ideas about the identity of the murderer.Holmes discussed his ideas with
                       -Holmes and Watson together with Inspector Lestrade looked footprints.Holmes found a
                        stone which he believed was the murder weapon.
                       -Holmes described the murderer as a tall man,left-handed and walked with a limp.
                       -The suspect wore heavy boots and a grey coat and smoked Indian cigars.
                       -Holmes left it to Lestrade to find the murderer.
Falling Action :-Holmes explained to Watson the clues that led him to determine the identity of the murderer.
                       -Charles knew the murderer.
                       -The last word said by Charles was "R-A-A-T" which referred to "Ballarat" in Australia.
                       -The footsteps in the mud indicated the person's height,the boots he wore and he limped.
                       -The fact that he hit the victim on the left showed he was left-handed.
                       -The ash on the ground was from an expensive Indian cigar.
Resolution      :-Mr Turner came to Holmes' house on Holmes' invitasion.He confessed that he was the
                        murderer.He wrote a confession letter which Holmes would keep to use until after Turner's
                        death and should James be found guilty.Holmes would desroy the letter if James were found
                       -Mr Turner related how he met Charles McCarthy in Australia.They were enemies,not
                        friends.John Turner was known as Black Jack of Ballarat.John Turner robbed a gold
                        convoy in Ballarat,near Melbourne,Australia.Charles McCarthy was the stagecoach driver
                        and witnessed the robbery.
                       -Turner became a rich man,returned to England and became a respectable rish landowner
                       -In the 1880's,in London,Charles McCarthy ran into John Turner and recognised him.Since
                         then,Charles blackmailed Turner into providing him a farm on his estate followed by
                         frequent demands for money,now and then.
                       -When Turner overheard Charles ordering his son,James to marry Alice,his daughter,Turner
                         had no choice but to kill Charles at Boscombe Pool.
                       -Turner's secret was safe with Holmes and Watson.
                       -John Turner died.Turner's story and secret died with him.
                       -James and Alice were married.James had divorced his barmaid wife (of 2 years) from
                        Bristol,she wanting a divorce after reading of his "crime".
                       -Holmes destroyed the cofession letter of Turner.

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